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Why not join us on Sunday evenings for worship, fellowship prayer and discussion via your computer, tablet, iPad or phone.

Sunday Evening Worship via Zoom

Below is an overview of our weekly Gatherings at Holy Trinity Church Bosham, including timings and joining instructions.


Sessions last 45mins with time before and after to chat if you wish.


Zoom room opens. The ‘Chat’ feature at the bottom of the screen is useful – click on and open this to see typed messages.


Welcome from the leader, a short reflective moment and short opening prayer.


Listen to a song


Ten-minute talk presenting the week’s topic


Break-out into small groups with designated leaders (this can be with the person who invited you if you wish).

A time for questions and discussion; no obligation to join in.


All back together for a final prayer and sometimes another song will be played.


Formal finish, but you are very welcome to stay to chat.

(If you wish to chat further with anyone on an individual basis, for example the person who invited you,

another break-out room can be available for this.)


Zoom room closes

For an overview of our latest focus, click on the link below:

Sermon on the Mount

How to Join

To join our meeting click on this link:


Changing your display name:

When you have joined the meeting, you will see yourself in small square on your screen and your name should also appear in that square. If your name does not appear correctly, please click on the three dots in that square and click on ‘Rename’ and you will be able to type in your name.


  • It is often useful for participants to be muted when they are not speaking, to avoid multiple people trying to speak at once, which is more difficult on Zoom than it is face to face. The mute button to mute or unmute yourself looks like a microphone and appears on the menu*. On a laptop, holding down the space bar should temporarily unmute you, but this seems a little temperamental. The host can mute and unmute all participants, or specific participants if they are having difficulty.



  • You can also use the Chat function on the menu* to send a message either to Everyone or to a specific person. If you cannot see the Chat function. You may need to click on the three dots at the top right hand corner of the screen to find the Chat function on a tablet.



  • If you cannot see yourself on the screen and wish to be seen during the meeting, please press ‘start video’ on the menu*. If you wish not to be seen, press ‘stop video’


Raising your (blue) hand:

  • This can be useful to show the host of the meeting that you wish to speak. If you cannot find it, try clicking on Participants in the menu* at the bottom of the screen on your laptop or at the top of the screen on a tablet to display the Participants sidebar, then click on ‘Raise your hand’ which should appear in that sidebar. You may need to click on the three dots in the bottom right hand corner of the Participants sidebar or alternatively tap on your name.


*If you cannot find the menu* referred to above, try hovering your mouse over the bottom of the screen (or around the screen) and it should appear. On a tablet, try tapping the screen.

Church Address

Holy Trinity Church
High Street
West Sussex
PO18 8LY

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